Thursday, January 26, 2017

That Time Of The Year

So it's that time of the year again, IT'S EXAM TIME and I am told that the exams that I am about to write this year are going to define my future, because, you guessed it- its 10TH GRADE board exams.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Icarus and Sun

They tell me that I'm going insane, that you are  driving me insane and I know that self-destruction is inevitable. But oh darling, 
I am Icarus and you are the Sun 

Sunday, January 08, 2017


(n.) An unusual and exciting or daring experience, that gives you immense satisfaction.

*Life is an adventure. What is life without adventure? What is the point of living if what you do doesn't empower you and make you wanna squeeze more out of life? Your life is your very own adventure, always remember that NO ONE else can experience and conquer it quite like you did. So my friends- embrace this unique adventure crafted only for you and you*

Monday, January 02, 2017


Everyone has certain things or even people that give them a new found meaning to life and keep them from breaking, to be honest it's crazy and insanely beautiful how we humans associate the deepest of emotions with the most random things ever. So, I wanted to start this year's blogging journey with a few things that inspire me and give me courage to go on and venture unto the unknown as I am a hundred percent sure that 2017 is going to be very new and challenging for me because I'll be in a NEW SCHOOL and will have completely DIFFERENT SUBJECTS and BRAND NEW people in my life.